Alexander Behenna, CJL
18 hours ago4 min read
Changing Social Norms: Essential Resources for Anti-Corruption Practitioners
There is a knowledge gap in how practitioners can change harmful social norms.
Changing Social Norms: Essential Resources for Anti-Corruption Practitioners
Weapons Against Corruption In Ukraine: 5 Steps to Kill the Enemy Within
Eight assumptions that should never appear in a FCAS logframe
M&E of the Intangible: Resources on Social Norms
When Your Project’s Success Gets a “So What?” in Response
What Worked: Fighting Corruption Through Collective Action
Reflections on Using Most Significant Change in An Anti-Corruption Program
Research Methodology for Identifying Social Norms that Catalyze Corruption
Using the Participatory Monitoring Approach, Most Significant Change, for an Anti-Corruption Program
Why is Our Anti-Corruption Program Working?
1.39 Cheers for Quantitative Analysis
Breaking Out of the Methodological Cage
How Tendering Practices by Anticorruption Funders Undermine Research Quality and Credibility