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CJL Presents at University of Cambridge’s Symposium on Economic Crime

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20 Oct 2021

Economic Crime – who pays and who should pay

The Corruption Justice and Legitimacy Program (CJL)’s co-director, Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church, recently presented at the Thirty-Eighth International Symposium On Economic Crime hosted by the University of Cambridge on ‘Economic Crime – who pays and who should pay.’

Being part of the panel that focused on the role of research and academic in fighting financial crime, Cheyanne shared CJL’s research and learnings on the role that social norms play in driving corrupt behavior. Cheyanne threw some light on CJL’s inquiry into the underlying norms and values that drive the resistance to the removal of public servants convicted of corruption in accordance with Section 46 of the Anti-Corruption Act of Uganda. This inquiry was in collaboration with Strengthening Uganda’s Anti-Corruption and Accountability Response Technical Assistance Facility.

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