26 May 2021
Addressing “What accounts for the ineffectiveness and lack of sustainability of many anti-corruption efforts?”
The Corruption Justice and Legitimacy Program (CJL)’s co-director, Diana Chigas, recently presented at the International Development Law Organization’s (IDLO) Implementer Dialogue on Exploring Sustainable Solutions for Anti-Corruption Initiatives.
While addressing the primary question “What accounts for the ineffectiveness and lack of sustainability of many anti-corruption efforts?” Diana threw light on what we have learned at CJL about what is needed to go beyond reducing enablers of corruption to identify and address the underlying drivers that make corruption so resilient.
Diana also shared CJL’s learnings on approaches to analysis and programme design, with a particular emphasis on addressing the social and political dynamics of corruption in addition to the economic, legal and technical dimensions.
The IDLO’s Implementer Dialogue convenes practitioners from the fields of rule of law and anti-corruption programming to understand the underlying causes for the lack of sustainability associated with anticorruption initiatives and accordingly, explore challenges, best practices, and identify innovative pathways for enhancing sustainable reform in the field.