4 May 2022
CJL hosted a virtual gathering of researchers working the intersection of civil servants, social norms, and corruption on May 4.
As part of our ongoing work on social norms and corruption, the Corruption, Justice and Legitimacy Program (CJL) hosted a virtual gathering of researchers working the intersection of civil servants, social norms, and corruption on May 4, 2022. We shared findings from our ongoing literature review on how social norms can drive corruption among civil servants, what research tells us about strategies to address these issues, and discussed how these findings can be made useful to practitioners.
It was a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with other researchers from around the globe working on these issues and leverage our collective work in an attempt to strengthen anti-corruption practice. In the coming months we will publish a summary of the key takeaways from this discussion along with a report tailored to practitioners. Subscribe to our blog and join our LinkedIn group to stay up to date!
At CJL, we remain convinced of the value in encouraging exchanges over nascent but growing areas of anti-corruption practice, such as work to understand how social norms can influence corrupt behaviors and also be entry points for anti-corruption work. Keep an eye out for future Thinking Together gatherings over the next several months on related topics, and subscribe to our Corruption in Fragile States Blog to keep up to date on our work. If you’d like to be included in future events, please contact us!
Together, we keep moving forward.